In our first Book, OUT OF THE PIT – The Work of GRACE (if you have not read it, we suggest you do), we averred that though we were once in a PIT OF SIN, God had SAVED us by pulling us out and this was simply because He loved us and it was never His plan for us to perish. SALVATION is a work of GRACE; and now, He simply wants us to help SHOW GRACE and PULL OUT others from pits. Bottom line, … EVERYONE HAS SINNED… YET GOD FREELY AND GRACIOUSLY DECLARES THAT WE ARE RIGHTEOUS… WHEN HE FREED US FROM THE PENALTY FOR OUR SINS’. Additionally, we said that what is interesting about every pit is that it originates in the spirit and manifests in the physical as either your intellect – how you think; or emotion – how you respond and behave.